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"How To Be A Superhero and Stand Up For Your Friends" is a children's book designed to teach young children the differences between someone being rude, someone being mean, and someone being a bully. It also teaches children how to band together to stand up for themselves being the superhero that resides within all children. 


Chris Burch, the author, has first-hand experience with bullying. In elementary school and junior high school, he was bullied, sometimes physically. He eventually learned how to stand up for himself and others, realizing the superhero in himself. 


The inspiration for the book came years later when his own son was bullied. His son had trouble distinguishing between rude, mean and bullying and the seed that would eventually grow into the book was planted.


Chris began his love of writing in elementary school and had his first article printed in the Birmingham News in Birmingham, Alabama while in junior high school. He would eventually go on to write articles for several trade magazines, a few short film scripts (many of which he later produced), and a comedy stage show.


He works as a full-time entertainer in North Carolina, has an amazing wife and a wonderful son. Additionally, he is the father to four dogs and slave to two cats.

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